Fine lines and wrinkles aren’t the only thing that might start to bother you over time. Aging can take its toll in a variety of ways, including hollowing the mid-face, creating laxity in the skin, and thinning the lips. Recent additions to the Juvéderm® line of dermal fillers can help address these concerns, smoothing out wrinkles, boosting youthful volume for a lifting effect, and plumping up the lips. These formulations also contain innovative hyaluronic acid cross-linking that produces slightly different and longer-lasting results than their traditional counterparts. Many California Society of Facial Plastic Surgery surgeons offer these products, so their patients have ample choices when it comes turning back the clock without surgery.

Are Dermal Fillers Right for You?

Dermal fillers are designed to treat static wrinkles, which typically appear around the nose and mouth. Static lines are caused by collagen loss, which is a natural process that occurs as we age. This protein is abundant in our youth and acts as a building block to support the underlying dermal structure, and create a soft, supple appearance to the skin. As collagen levels decrease over time, we see our skin become loose and facial creases form. Dermal fillers restore support to the structure of the dermis to roll back the effects of aging on the skin’s surface.

Dynamic wrinkles are another type of wrinkle that forms on the face, such as forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet. These lines, the result of facial movement being etched into the skin over time, are better treated with anti-wrinkle injections like Botox® or Dysport®. These products target the muscles that lead to wrinkle formation when you make certain expressions. Surgeons can perform both these treatments at the same time to conveniently help you meet all your anti-aging concerns.

What is Vycross™ Technology?

Volbella®, Vollure™ and Voluma® all contain Vycross™ technology that cross-links different molecular weights of hyaluronic acid (HA) to create slightly different results. The formulas tend to be softer and do not diffuse as much as traditional Juvéderm® products. They can be injected deeper into the dermal layers to address more severe signs of aging, and your results may last up to 18 months. Vycross™ technology isn’t necessarily better than other Juvéderm® products that cross-link HA molecules of similar sizes and weights. However, the slight differences in the way these products work allow surgeons to tailor procedures even more precisely the results you would like to achieve.

Pump Up Lips with Volbella®

Volbella® XC is an ultra-smooth lip filler that produces smooth, natural plumping for lips that have never been full enough or have lost volume over time. The product is also useful in reducing the appearance of perioral lines – those lip wrinkles that appear above the upper lip that you might know as lipstick or smokers’ lines. Surgeons also use Volbella® lip injections to enhance the skin underneath the eyes in some cases, since the smooth consistency can add subtle volume to reduce dark circles and minimize fine lines.

Restore Youthful Volume with Voluma®

Volume loss in the midface can give you a hollowed, aged look. The Voluma® filler is designed to address this issue, with a thicker formulation that fills in the hollow areas to restore a more youthful facial profile. Because Voluma® XC can be injected a bit deeper into the dermis, your surgeon can achieve a lift to the cheekbones while adding volume. If you have slight sagging in the skin, this product can reduce that effect as well.

Say Goodbye to Lines with Vollure™

As the newest addition to the Juvéderm® family, Vollure™ XC offers another option for getting rid of creases around the nose and mouth. The unique formulation softens even deep lines while preserving your ability to make natural facial expressions. This product can be used somewhat interchangeably with Juvéderm® XC, but the results of the Vollure™ filler can last almost twice as long.

Procedure, Recovery, Results

Wrinkle filler injections usually take just a few minutes to complete. It’s likely you won’t need any numbing beforehand since the XC in the names of the products indicates there is a small amount of anesthetic, namely lidocaine, in the formulation to increase your comfort during treatment. However, you can always request numbing with ice or a topical cream for some areas of the face that are particularly sensitive if you like. Communicating your goals and concerns with your injector is a key step to getting the experience and results you desire.

After your appointment, you may experience some mild swelling, but side effects should not be significant enough to keep you from your regular activities. You can return to work or play right away, with almost no indication you just had a treatment. Results will appear promptly after the procedure and will improve in the following days. The duration of the effects will vary somewhat, but most patients enjoy their enhanced appearance for 15 months to two years.

While dermal fillers may seem like a straightforward treatment, it takes experience, expertise and an artistic eye to create an optimal outcome. Our California Society of Facial Plastic Surgery doctors have all demonstrated a commitment to quality – both in their standards for patient care and the results they produce for their patients. Contact a California Society of Facial Plastic Surgery surgeon in your area today and find out if these dermal fillers might an appropriate treatment choice for you.